Farcaster 2026
prompt, what updates, tweaks, or features could Farcaster clients do to become better for OGs and newcomers?
I am exploring these aspects: onboarding, readability, timestamps, colors, notifications, events, and rewards.
Onboarding is a login? Opening Warpcast for the first time, I am welcomed by a button asking me to create a login and make a payment. I leave with confusion and FOMO. That was my first Farcaster experience. As part of a Coinbase quest, a couple of months later, I finally made my profile. A more welcoming intro could have been where I can browse around super trending casts exploring top profiles and, when I want to interact be prompted to create a profile feeling safer and comfortable.
Readability? I open my following feed on Warpcast trying to remember the last post I viewed. There is no setting for an indicator to know where I stopped reading my following feed. Looking up, I see a bundle of channel tabs that I never use as I am unable to customize them. I think to myself the whole top bar would be better sitting above the navigation with the invite button and frames page dissolved into feed like tabs. That would make me enjoy using the home feed more, like when Safari moved the address bar to the bottom of the screen. No more reaching to the top of my screen to view my profile.
There are no timestamps? It would be nice when long pressing 1d or 1mo to see the time of a cast - it gets lost to the API.
Where is the color? Color can be personal and impact mood. A theme color for a Farcaster client could invoke a better feeling when opening the app. Welcomed by a color like a warm light cream with another selected color for dark mode. Having themes like Sublime Text could make a client feel way more personal and create an environment where users can share themes. I made a personal theme for Xcode and Sublime Text and I can't imagine having to use the default themes again.
Notifications? So far, no Farcaster client has been able to send me complete push notifications - I don't know why as they all seem to try.
For Farcaster to “go big”, I think it would be better to focus on why people aren't trying Farcaster. It might be nice to try to highlight other forms of content like trending topics based on news and events like Music, Movies, Technology, CES, Awards, Festivals, Art Basel, Crypto, and super trending news events. They seem to have little place on Farcaster. Featuring channels the same way as hashtags could help. There could also be a feed titled reading for long-form content including links to blog posts and Hypersubs - like this post. It could also help invite better content if rewards like those on Warpcast tried using a model similar to the rewards rounds in the /base-builds channel.